
Wild Refillable Deodorant & Lip Balm

Wild Refillable Deodorant & Lip Balm

Very happy to announce that I am now a Wild ambassador!

They kindly sent me a refillable deodorant case with Fresh Cotton & Sea Salt and Coconut & Vanilla refills and the refillable lip balm case with a Coconut & Vanilla refill. 

I received the limited edition Emma Bridgewater bee case and the pink lip balm case - they're both so cute.

I'm currently using the Coconut & Vanilla scent on both the deodorant and lip balm and I am really enjoying them.

The fragrance is slightly warm and sweet, truly delectable. The deodorant keeps me smelling sweet all day and the lip balm reminds me of a blue Lip Smackers lip balm I used to have when I was about 14-15 🥰 takes me right back, I'm obsessed!


PS. Use code MSVANILLE for 20% off✨