
The Kills live at Rough Trade East

The Kills live at Rough Trade East, God Games presentation 18 September 2023

The Kills live at Rough Trade East, God Games presentation 18 September 2023

The Kills live at Rough Trade East, God Games presentation 18 September 2023

On Monday we went to see The Kills' new album God Games presentation at Rough Trade East in London.

I've been following their musical journey for about 15 years and have seen them live with Dotcito at the Roundhouse a few years ago but this was a completely different experience and much more intimate as, even though the event sold out, only had 300 people capacity.

It was amazing, we heard a couple of songs off the yet-to-be-released album (including Going to Heaven, Love and Tenderness My Girls My Girls, Wasterpiece, Bullet Piece and Better Days), then there was an interview section where I even got to ask The Kills a question just for fun which made them laugh (I got nervous and think I stuttered and my voice broke!).

It was fascinating to watch Jamie and Alison interacting with each other, so cute!

After the panel they played a small acoustic set including 103 and New York from God Games, as well as some older songs: Baby Says and Pull a U.

At the end we got the chance to get a poster print signed and I even got a picture with them.

I loved Alison's Celine jacket as well as her shirt but I forgot to ask her where the latter was from. Also really liked Jamie's loafers!

I'm starting to build a collection of pictures alongside my indie rock idols (see my Peter Doherty at The Royal Albert Hall post). Just need one with Julian Casablancas now 🤭
