
I Tried Viviscal for 3 Months and This Happened to my Hair

I Tried Viviscal for 3 Months and This Happened

A couple of months ago I was selected to take part in a trial of the Viviscal Hair Growth Programme and I was kindly sent a 3 month supply of the Viviscal Maximum Strength Hair Growth Supplement.

Viviscal is designed to help maintain normal healthy hair growth from within and is formulated with AminoMar C, a proprietary marine protein complex, plus Vitamin C, Niacin, Biotin, Iron, Zinc and extracts of Horsetail and Millet seed. 

The recommended daily intake is 2 tablets per day for a minimum of 3 to 6 months (1 in the morning and one in the evening with water and food) and after that it is recommended to take 1 to 2 tablets daily as required.

Before I started the Viviscal 3 month course my hair had been falling out a lot and felt like it was thinning. It could have been due to stress, nutrient deficiency or lack of vitamin D as I barely spent any time outside for the last couple of years. 

Within the first month there wasn't that much of a difference, however my nails did seem to become thicker or stronger. During the second month I started to notice a difference as hair loss diminished and by the third month there was barely any hair falling out when I brushed or washed it - I could count them on one hand whereas before there would be too many to even try to count. 

After finishing the 3 month course of Viviscal my hair feels stronger and I have noticed new hair growth as well. 

I would definitely recommend trying the Viviscal Hair Growth Programme if you are suffering with hair loss.

Find the Viviscal Hair Growth Programme at Feel Unique and Lloyds Pharmacy
