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There are several reasons why somebody might want to get a tattoo removed: it no longer fits their lifestyle, way of thinking or aesthetic; it didn't turn out looking they way it was expected; or maybe they would like to get it covered up with a different design.
Whatever the reason may be, there are a few ways to remove unwanted tattoos, including dermabrasion, TCA, exicion and laser. The last method works by firing laser light into the tattoo, which breaks down the ink into smaller pieces, which are then eliminated by the body; this method avoids damaging the skin while removing the tattoo.
Traditional lasers have been used for years for tattoo removal, however the new PicoSure and PicoWay lasers offer additional benefits such as needing fewer treatments, being effective on all colours, and being less painful.
The newer PicoSure/PicoWay lasers at Pulse Light Clinic and City Tattoo Removal use photo-mechanical principles, combined with ultra short pulses to shatter the ink, helping the body eliminate the ink by itself. These lasers require less heat and energy, meaning the surrounding tissue is left unharmed and space between treatments shortens as well. This powerful process means that a whole tattoo can be erased in as little as 3 to 8 treatments.
You can easily book a free consultation for any of the 3 locations at City Tattoo Removal (Oxford Street 5 Percy Street, London, W1T 1DG, T: 0207 205 4085), Bank (1st Floor, Peek House, 20 Eastcheap, London, EC3M 1EB, T: 0207 523 5158) or Tottenham Court Road (5 Percy Street, London, W1T 1DG, T: 0207 205 4085). And with prices from as little as £40 per month, it is very accessible to finally say goodbye to that unwanted tattoo.