
Wool & Leather

Wool & Leather
Wool & Leather
Wool & Leather

Mohair Jumper: H&M // Leather Shopper: Rowallan // Wool Trousers: H&M // Trainers: Adidas
(Similar: Jumper, Bag, Trousers)

Not a very spring-like outfit as it's still very cold outside. 
I have 2 weeks off for Easter Holidays! One of the benefits of working in a school. One of the girls today said to me "daddy is at work" and I said "I'm at work" to which she laughed and replied "you're not at work, you're at pre-school!". Thought that was funny haha. 
On a sad note I got a bit of a cold and funny knee, just in time for holidays, great ;( 

Have a nice weekend!
