
Sportswear to Match your Personal Style

Sportswear to Match your Personal Style with ILU Fitwear

When you shop for sportswear, whether you do yoga, run or go to the gym, pretty much every jogger, tank top and jacket look the same, which is a shame considering that when we dress for everyday life, we don't all look the same (nor do we want to). 

A couple of weeks ago ILU Fitwear contacted me and sent me the ILU Lace Leggings pictured above. 
What I like about these leggings is that not only they are comfortable and the fabric is very soft, but they also have a really feminine lace panel on the side, and the logo is printed in a very subtle way.

They feel like normal leggings only softer because of the design and purpose, so they're comfortable enough for me to do my ballet inspired exercise routine that I try to do at least a couple of times every week.

Find the complete ILU Fitweare range here.
