Before the show we just stood by the stage and Dot spotted Har Mar bowling on the area to the right of the stage. A random dude that arrived early as well started talking to my hubby and when he asked where I was from and said Mexico, he was like 'no mames, yo tambien' haha. It was the funniest thing when he asked where in Mexico I'm from and I said Monterrey, he said me too! I couldn't stop laughing, how weird was that?
Anyway, this dude went up to Har Mar and spoke to him. I was excited because I thought Fabrizio Moretti from the Strokes would be playing drums with him but he wasn't.
As the support band was getting ready to start playing I thought one of them looked incredibly similar to Gossip Girl's Dan Humphrey. I kept staring like a weirdo but evaded his look when he got close. My compatriot also spoke to mr gossip girl and, there was loud music, but heard him say his name was Penn. That was it... I was 99% sure it was him haha. My mind kept playing games on me but once I saw him from a certain angle I was completely sure, as well as vaguely remembering hearing about him being on a band, but on that moment I got excited and cried -not literally- 'it's him!' to my husband haha.
At the end of their set, when he got close I said 'excuse me, are you...(embarrassed pause) are you from gossip girl?' and he said yes! Then I said 'could I have a picture?' and he said yes though he had to clear the stage first 'but I'll be around', he added.
Then came Har Mar Superstar's turn on stage. He was good, though his 'sexy dancing' was kind of disturbing for me haha. When the show finished we went out and looked for mr gossip girl, and there he was, selling some merch. I got close and awkwardly stood there, then he asked 'do you want to buy a record- oh you want a picture' (he remembered haha). I said 'please' and then took a couple of pictures with him, thanked him and left to catch the train home.
Did you do anything fun over the weekend?