
New In: March 2018

H&M Pepsi Hoodie

Epsom Salts

H&M was having a sale and they offer free delivery to H&M Club members, which I am part of, so decided it would be nice to add to my collection of casual items a hoodie with a retro Pepsi logo, which is intended as something ironic because you might know I don't drink fizzy stuffs and I haven't done regularly in over 10 years (I only drink it when the other choice might be alcohol). 

Anyway, the other thing I have to show you is a new bag of Epsom Salts, which are amazing for putting in your bath and relaxing, plus I believe it helps with hormones. It could also be used to make a body scrub but I haven't tried that yet. I got mine from b&m for less than £2.50 but you can also find it in Superdrug and Boots.

Hope this isn't too disappointing for you as I actually didn't get that many things last month, and most of them I already mentioned in my last video (above) that's why there's not many pictures. But here will be more to see on the next New In instalment.



Keratolytic Ingredients in Skincare

White Flowers

A keratolytic component aids in the removal of excess skin caused by lesions on the epidermis. These type of ingredients can soften and also thin the skin on and around the lesion, which causes the outer layer of skin to loosen and shed. So if you've ever been left with a bump of skin after scarring, you might be interested in using a product with a form of keratolytic in it. 

Keratolytic agents include salicylic acid, urea, lactic acid, allantoin and glycolic acid. Most of these ingredients are typically found in anti acne products (salicylic acid), moisturisers (urea, lactic acid and allantoin) and anti ageing products (glycolic acid).

Over the years I've noticed that my skin's been left with some tiny bumps, particularly on my chin area and thought I could try something to make them less apparent, then realised I currently use skincare with such ingredients already, with the exception of salicylic acid so it is an ingredient I'm interested in trying again, especially after a couple of weeks of rebellious skin I've been having. 

A product with salicylic acid I'm interested is The Ordinary Salicylic Acid 2% Solution. With glycolic acid I've been intermittently using the Lidl dupe for Nip + Fab Glycolic Pads, and my Simply Pure serum contains urea and allantoin. 

Do you have any recommendations for skincare with keratolytic properties?



Pattern by Orla Kiely

Pattern by Orla Kiely

Got this book because I really like Orla Kiely's design (not only the patterns but also the clothes and accessories) and because I only paid £5 for it when I got it from the Works a few years ago. 

It is a great book full of inspiration if you are a creative and visual person, and has pages full of her patterns, designs and things that inspire Orla Kiely personally.

Have you got this book? 



Easter Weekend

Hope you had a lovely weekend and that you didn't binge on chocolate too much haha. This is actually the first picture I ever took with my DSLR, back when I bought it in 3 years ago (07/04/2015).

On other news, I haven't had anything with dairy in it for just over a week. My skin seems to be improving. Hopefully it's not just my imagination.
