

Flower Bouquet

It was my birthday 10 days ago, and I had a lovely day, however I'd been waiting to have an appointment at the hospital for a scan, which after a week of waiting I didn't even have a date for. 

Last week we went to A&E and after tests and hours of waiting I got an appointment for a scan the next day (Thursday). That same day after my scan they admitted me and told me that the laparoscopy I needed could be done within 1 or 2 days. 

Later they said to me that they could perform it the same day. I was so scared. However everything went fine and I'm now at home, slowly recovering. I was actually discharged less than 24 hours after surgery. I know it's not a major operation but it was my first ever and it was terrifying. Dotcito has been looking after me and I'm feeling stronger every day.  

I think I lost some weight as I wasn't allowed food after they admitted me, and after the operation I didn't even feel hungry. It all happened so fast and was very emotional but I'm feeling a bit better each day. Can't wait to be able to laugh without pain again ha.



Avene Cleanance Cleansing Gel

Avene Cleanance Cleansing Gel

A few months back I saw the Avene Cleanance Cleansing Gel on offer on the Boots website so I ordered and picked it up in my local store. I remember using it a couple of times when staying over at my cousin's about 10 years ago haha.

I finally opened it last month and also took it away with me on our trip to Mexico, and it's the only cleanser I've been using for both morning and night routines. 

It lathers ever so slightly, which is good as it doesn't dry out my skin, in fact it leaves it feeling very soft. It cleanses well without leaving it tight or irritated and has a very faint, almost imperceptible fragrance. 

You only need the smallest amount and I also love that the packaging is great for travelling as the twist cap prevents it from leaking or opening randomly in your luggage.

Find the Avene Cleanance Cleansing Gel in Superdrug and Boots

Have you tried the Avene Cleanance Cleansing Gel?



We're Back

Got back to the UK on Sunday morning. Been so jet lagged, waking up at 4 am once for 2 hours, and from 12:30 to 4 am last night. On other news, it's my birthday on Saturday ;D




Birthday Flowers

Yellow Flowers

It's my birthday this month! In less than 2 weeks and I can't wait, finally an excuse to treat myself ;D
