Parka Coat, Turtle Neck Jumper & Trousers: All H&M // Shoes: Adidas Stan Smith
Yesterday when I got home I saw that I had a little something on my eyeball, I could slightly feel it so thought it was fluff or something. In the mirror it looked bright red so I washed my hands and tried to get it off but it wasn't going anywhere so I panicked, started getting hot and was nearly sick as I didn't know what it was. Turns out it was bloodshot, which had never happened to me before, it's going away now but I was relieved to find out that it's not serious and goes away on its own after a couple of days yay! haha.
On other news, it's Thursday! and I'm only working tomorrow until lunch time and then it's the weekend, which means rest, rest and more rest haha with a bit of shopping time in between ;)