
Simple Soothing Shower Cream & Bath Milk

Simple Soothing Shower Cream & Bath Milk

Recently I found a couple of vouchers in the Tesco magazine for Simple products and decided to use them to get the Simple Soothing Shower Cream & Bath Milk as when I pick out bath and shower products I try to make sure that they're creamy, moisturising and have nourishing properties and ingredients. 

Both the Simple Soothing Shower Cream & Bath Milk contain Aloe Vera and Rosemary extracts, and are very creamy, especially the shower one (it retains the shape of the nozzle thing as you get the product out for a couple of seconds! ha). The shower cream lathers well and skin feels clean and soft after use, however the scent of rosemary is so overpowering that I don't enjoy using it. The bath milk produces a moderate amount of foam but indeed leaves skin feeling clean and soft and the rosemary scent doesn't seem as strong on this product. 

Overall, they're good shower and bath products though if you're not a fan of rosemary I'd stay away from these. I'd love to try other products from this range and I'll make sure to sniff them before going through the checkout!

Find the Simple Soothing Shower Cream & Bath Milk in Superdrug and Tesco.


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