
Sukin Rose Hip Oil

Sukin Rose Hip Oil

I've spoken about the Sukin Rose Hip Oil in my Winter Beauty Essentials post, but this stuff is just too good not to dedicate it a post on it's own.

I have been using this oil for a few months now, and I love that it is not greasy at all but at the same time it's very moisturising. I have generally oily skin and this oil makes it less oily, doesn't make me break out and makes my skin look plumper and feel softer. 

As it has a 44.1% Linoleic Acid vs 13.9% Oleic Acid content, it's great for people with oily and acne prone skin. This particular brand is certified organic and preservative free, great if you are concerned about the provenance of your beauty products. 

At night I apply 2 drops (sometimes 3 if my skin is feeling a bit tight or dry after a face mask or peel) after spraying on some rose water to my face, which helps it absorb more easily, then apply my serum and night cream on top. I might use 1 drop during the day occasionally to add extra hydration. 

If you are looking for an extra moisture boost in your skincare routine that doesn't feel heavy on the skin, then I would definitely recommend the Sukin Rose Hip Oil.

Have you tried it?
