
New in: October

Naturally radiant night cream: Superdrug
Skinny trousers: H&M
Omorovicza deep cleansing mask*
Rings & Tings accessories*

I didn't really buy a lot last month, mainly because I didn't really need anything. The only skincare item that needed repurchasing was a night cream, after I finished the Simple Regenerating Night Cream. I got the Naturally Radiant night cream and I'm really liking it, I think I'll write a review about it soon.
As I said, I didn't need to buy anything but when I saw those skinny trousers for just £7, my curiosity was awakened. After trying them on and realizing they had a great fit, I had to get them. 
The Omorovicza mask was a sample that I won and last but not least, the accessories are courtesy of Rings & Tings. 

Last month I purchased some H&M boots online too, but they didn't arrive in time to make it into this post, so I'll include them in November's edition.

Have you tried/bought any of these products?


ps.  Don't forget to enter for your chance to win $30 to spend on Dressale here!