
Influences of the Internet TAG

The lovely Monica from The Total Opposite tagged me so here we go!

Copy and paste THE RULES:
1) You must state this tag was created by Megan at TheBeautyPier.
2) You must tag at least one person to do this. However, the more the merrier!
3) Let the person know you tagged them with a comment on their blog.
4) Title this post 'Influences of the Internet TAG!'
5) Enjoy!

1. Did other blogs convince you to start up your own?
Yes, I enjoyed reading fashion and beauty blogs and that made me want to start my own blog featuring specific things that I'm interested in, not just fashion and beauty related but other stuff like music and food as well. 

2. Have you joined a site because someone else in the blogosphere did?
Maybe! I kept hearing about Pinterest everywhere and I was starting to get sick of it but then I had a look around and decided to "join the waiting list", which made me want to be part of it even more, and of course now I love it (2300+ pins to date ha!)

3. Is there a tip/regime you've gotten from the internet that you now use?
To make your lipstick last longer blot and reapply a couple of times.

4. If your favorite YouTube/Blogger personality likes a product, will that make you buy it?
Sometimes, it depend's if I normally use products like that, ie I love to wear eyeliner so if they say certain eyeliner is very good I might try it.

5. What do you look for in a blog that makes you want to follow?
When they have similar interests/taste to mine and also nice quality pictures.

6. Have you ever been deceived by a product that you ordered online? (e.g you thought it would be pink but it was coral)
Once I bought a foundation that turned out too dark for my skin tone!

7. Have promo pictures and press releases given you the impression that a product will be better than it is?
Sure, they normally do that all the time with mascaras and make up, using false lashes and airbrushing the pictures to make them look flawless.

8. Is there a product you could give a 'cult' status for being so good that you discovered through the internet?
I would say the Korres Lip Butters, I recently purchased one and I think it is really good!

9. Is there a product you have tried and hated, but others have loved?
The Extreme 24 Hour Felt Tip Liner from Collection: the tip starts to dry up before I've even finished doing one eye! And if I try to draw over it, wipes off what I've just done. Also it melts easily with tears and burns when it gets in your eyes (chopping onions while wearing this eyeliner: bad idea)

10. Is there a Blogger/YouTuber that influences your fashion style? If so, who?
Not specifically, I get influenced by all different people.

11. Is there a Blogger/Youtuber that influences your attitude each day/lifestyle?
Same as the previous question, I get influenced by the positive attitudes from people in general.

12. How much time do you spend on the internet daily?
Hours and hours! I love watching Youtube videos, reading blogs and entering competitions every single day!

I tag Mish Berries, A Little Bit Unique and Your Dulde and anyone who wants to do the tag :)

I hope you found this interesting ;D
